Handbook & Policies
Explore Handbook By Topic
- Behavior & Conduct
Dedham Public Schools believe that academic integrity and honesty are cornerstones of learning in a democratic society. Fundamental to the development of character is a willingness to be honorable and responsible. Specifically, we wish to emphasize our concern in two areas: cheating and plagiarism.
- Behavior & Conduct
- School Student Safety
Massachusetts General Law and Dedham School Committee Policy strictly prohibit the possession and/or use of alcohol, tobacco, or controlled substances in any form.
Violation of these laws and policies may result in disciplinary actions up to and including expulsion.
- Athletics
- Behavior & Conduct
Respect for the sport in which a Dedham student athlete participates also demands respect for the opponents and game officials. IF ANY STUDENT, IN ANY SPORT, WILLFULLY, FLAGRANTLY, OR MALICIOUSLY ATTEMPTS TO INJURE AN OPPONENT, HE/SHE SHALL NOT PARTICIPATE IN ANY SPORT SEASON FOR ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF THE INCIDENT.
- Behavior & Conduct
Bullying and Cyberbullying are strictly prohibited in all instances in accordance with Mass General Law. Instances where bullying creates a hostile environment at school for the victim, infringes on the rights of the victim at school or materially and substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of school should be reported and will be carefully reviewed by administration.
- Behavior & Conduct
- Transportation
In case of any misconduct on a bus, the incident will be reported by the bus driver on the proper form to the school principal or assistant principal. He/She will report the incident in writing to the parent concerned, with a copy to the transportation office.
- Behavior & Conduct
It is expected that all students will be thoughtful of others, respect school property and property of others and be conscientious. Students are expected to respect their peers and teachers, parents, police, traffic officers, bus drivers and other school personnel.
- Behavior & Conduct
- Transportation
It is expected that all students riding school buses and vans conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the District’s general expectations for student conduct at all times while riding school buses and vans.