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Graduation Requirements

  1. Must achieve a total of one hundred and eleven (111) credits.
  2.  Must take and pass the following CORE requirements:
  •  4 years of English
  •  4 years of Mathematics *
  •  3 years of Science
  •  3 years of Social Studies
  • 2 semesters of Health/Wellness
  • 4 years of Physical Education/Wellness
  • 2 semesters or a full year course in Technology or Fine Arts
  • 2 years of the same Foreign Language

3. All students are required to complete ten (10) hours of Community Service per year for a total of 40 hours.

4. Must take and complete a minimum of twenty-five (25) credits in the senior year.

5. Must pass state-mandated tests (MCAS) and, if applicable, conditions of an Educational Proficiency Plan (EPP).

*Massachusetts State Colleges and Universities require four courses (Algebra I and II and Geometry or Trigonometry or comparable course work), including mathematics, during the final year of high school.